Sunday, 28 February 2010

Zoroark: He is going to be the antagonist of the pkmn movie yet to be released. his attacks and everything hasn't been confirmed yet, so for now this moveset is tempory. like lucario he has a special stats attack such as DarkPurple Fire like the Aura. his fighting style will be quite agile and fast since he is a fox, and fox's are considerd to be sligh. his attack base will use alot of claw attacks
and maybe a few bites, but it'l make him a very unique character.

Zoroark: Entrance: A Dark Purple meteor slams down to the stage, wich burts into purple flames
wich then Zoroark emerged from.

Height: about wolf's maybe slightly taller
Weight: Around Wolf's so not too heavy, but attacks will be as fast as Lucario
Speed: About as fast as fox's maybe slightly faster

1st: similar to lucario, but not as high
2nd: like wolf's

A: Jabs with one claw
AA: Jabs with the other claw
AAA: Swings it's tail round
AAAAA: Slams one claw down in an ark kind of style, going over its head.

A>: thrusts one foot out spiking the opponent
A^: backflip kick smoothly upwards
AV: spins around on the ground wipping it's tail once.

A>>: charges by crouching down on all fours, ready to pounce and then lunges forward
dashing through the opponents in a sharp rush.
A^^: jumps up doing a curld backflip and at the end of the attack spreads its claws at both
sides leaving shadowy status.
AVV: thrusts both it's claws into the ground making shadowy flares either side of Zoroark.

Air A: spins in the air in a curld ball like Wolf's but its a bit stronger, and slows itself down in
the air slightly.
Air A>: lashes franticly forward twice with both its claws.
Air A<: kicks backwards with both its backlegs causing heavy knockback.
Air A^: flips upward in a sharp spikey kick.
Air AV: hacks downwards with one claw.

Grab: similar to wolf's.
Pummel: stabs with the other claw
Throw>: dashes forward and slashes the opponents forward causing shadowy status
Throw<: throws upward, jumps for the opponent, grabs them with its teeth and hammers
them down to the ground.
Throw^: throws upward and then fires a ball of dark energy at the opponent wich explodes
making them go higher.
throwV: similar to wolf's but leaves shadowy status and is slightly stronger.

B: Shadow Ball: It seems for every character like Lucario, Mewtwo etc each have some sort of
Zoroark, by pressing B Zoroark will charge a ball of energy holding his arm backwards. you can store it, and when released zoroark willl throw it forward, but then gets effected by gravity wich makes it decend diagonly.

B>: Dark Pulse: An attack that was briefly shown in the newest trailer for the movie.
Zoroark puts his hands together infront of him and quickly gathers dark energy wich he pulses
forward in one big Dark Pulse, wich travels across the stage pushing opponents of the edge whilst
being burned with Dark Fire.

B^: Shadow Claw: Zoroark's claw grows and becomes shadowy like in the animie and rises in the
air at a 60 degree angle slashing the opponents away with a shadowy slash.

BV: Trickery: this is the only way that i could think of how Zoroark could use his Illusion ability.
even though this attack has been confirmed to be nothing like it is, its still going to his BV. but Jigglypuff's Rest isn't how its meant to be....
Zoroark quickly transforms into the opponent. his voice dosen't change but he has acsess to all
they're special moves etc. however if you get knocked back hard enough, Zoroark will change back to normal.

Final Smash: Night Burst: this is Zoroark's signiture attack. it says this attack is very powerful.
and there is this big attack that Zoroark does in the movie. I'm not sure if it is the attack in the movie but i'm going to go with it. Zoroark holds his claws up wich glow purple and slams them into the ground creating a huge forcefield of a dark shockwave. wich burns the opponents straight off.